
Showing posts from February, 2018

New Places, New People

I will just start out by saying that the struggle to walk has been replaced by a new struggle; the struggle to stay on track, to adjust, and to survive this too! It is true I haven't written for a while. A lot has changed since my last post and walking is a lot more part of my life. When I was laid up with my broken ankle I gained about 40 pounds. It has taken three years and a lot of effort but I am finally only 5 pounds away from my goal weight. How did I do this? Well, portion control and lots of exercise - especially walking. Also stress. Stress for me is a great weight reducer.  This particular stress was caused by my big move to Ireland, Yes, I moved across the Atlantic and now live in Ireland. It is beautiful here and I love some parts of it but I am also so homesick sometimes I can't stand it. My husband was supposed to join us here in six months. It's been six months and he is still in America...not what I wanted. I can't drive here, either. All the av