New Places, New People

I will just start out by saying that the struggle to walk has been replaced by a new struggle; the struggle to stay on track, to adjust, and to survive this too!
It is true I haven't written for a while. A lot has changed since my last post and walking is a lot more part of my life.
When I was laid up with my broken ankle I gained about 40 pounds. It has taken three years and a lot of effort but I am finally only 5 pounds away from my goal weight. How did I do this? Well, portion control and lots of exercise - especially walking. Also stress. Stress for me is a great weight reducer. 
This particular stress was caused by my big move to Ireland, Yes, I moved across the Atlantic and now live in Ireland. It is beautiful here and I love some parts of it but I am also so homesick sometimes I can't stand it.
My husband was supposed to join us here in six months. It's been six months and he is still in America...not what I wanted. I can't drive here, either. All the available vehicles are manual transmission (UGH) and my American license doesn't "transfer". (Double UGH) So now I am taking driving lessons at age 48, Thankfully I have a very competent and patient driving instructor that lives next door who assures me I am making progress. 
I have come from being in a relatively urban setting where I was independent to a pretty rural setting where I am dependent. BIG adjustment. I'm still struggling to find my place here and I haven't got any close friends - I know, these things take time - but I just wish things were easier.
I'm not sure what I thought it was going to be like, It's weird not working! My teaching credentials don't transfer and to teach primary school here you need Irish, which I don't know. I'm not even sure I want to teach here...but I'm not sure what else I want to do, only that I want to do something productive with my time.
So, I have gone back to writing. My latest work is a book about growing up haunted. Hopefully people will want to read it. The first chapter was submitted and published in a series called Dead of Winter, which just came out. Response to the piece has been good and I am hoping to finish it within the next few months. It would probably be done sooner BUT apparently writing about the horrors of one's childhood isn't the easiest thing in the world. Imagine that!
It's not all sunshine and unicorns...

So I am faced with starting over in a new career in a place where there aren't many opportunities for someone who can't drive and doesn't yet own a vehicle. The only thing I can do and know how to do is write, so that is what brought me back here. 
